Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rick Santorum thanks god for hydrofracking at Koch sponsored CPAC

Rick Santorum’s used his speech at CPAC 2012 to again reject the idea of anthropogenic global warming, as well as dismiss concerns about hydrofracking.

This year’s Conservative Political Action Conference was sponsored in part by fossil fuel industry giant Koch Industries, along with a slew of organizations supported by billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch, including the American Legislative Exchange Council, Americans for Prosperity, and Charles Koch Institute.

Transcript of Rick Santorum's comments on global warming and hydrofracking at CPAC 2012:

Of course, one of the favorite things of the left is to use your sentimentality, your proper understanding and belief that we are stewards of this Earth, and that we have a responsibility to hand off a beautiful Earth to the next generation.
And so they use that, and they’ve used it in the past, to try to scare you into supporting radical ideas on the environment.
They tried it with this idea, this politicization of science called man-made global warming.
And President Obama, you may remember, tried to pass cap and trade and tried to get control not only of the healthcare system, but of the energy industry, the manufacturing industry. 
Another two big sectors of this economy, and using this façade of man-made global warming. 
Well I stood up and fought against those things. 
Because they will destroy the very foundation of prosperity in our country.
You look at any country in the world and you look at their energy consumption and the cost of energy, and their quality of life, their standard of living.
The more energy consumption, the higher the standard of living.
That’s just the bottom line.
We need an America, if we’re going to fuel a great and vibrant economy, we need affordable energy.
And this administration has gone out and not only has it attacked us with cap and trade and global warming, but now that that has been thrown on the dustbin of history, now they’re going after hydrofracking.
Now, I come from Pennsylvania.
We’re doing a little bit of that in Pennsylvania, thank God.
And guess what?
Of course, now that we’re doing hydrofracking near the population centers, the boogie man comes out.
Ooh! Look at what it’s going to do to you. 
Do you know how many wells have been hydrofracked in the United States?
Oh, about seven or eight hundred thousand.
Where’s been all the noise?
Ladies and gentlemen, they scare you to intimidate you to trust them, and to give them more power.
We need someone who is going to go out on these big issues of the day and draw contrasts.
A full video of Rick Santorum's speech at CPAC 2012 can be found on

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